*+JMJ_---^---------^---------^---------^---------^---------^---------^-- * atom10 - Atom 1.0 feed generation utilities * Copyright 2014 David Meyer <papa@twenex.org> * Copying and distribution of this file, with or without * modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty * provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. * This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. * atmhd - Output Atom feed header subroutine atmhd (outu, title, basurl, atmfil, author, email) integer outu character*(*) title, basurl, atmfil, author, email write(outu, 10) title, basurl, atmfil, author, email, basurl 10 format('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>'/ +'<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><title>',a,'</title>'/ +'<link rel="self" href="',a,'/',a,'"/>'/ +'<author><name>',a,'</name><email>',a,'</email></author>'/ +'<id>',a,'</id>') return end * atment - Output Atom feed entry subroutine atment (outu, entttl, enturi, entupd, entsum) integer outu character*(*) entttl, enturi, entupd, entsum(4) write(outu, 10) entttl, enturi, entupd, entsum 10 format('<entry><title>',a,'</title>'/'<id>',a,'</id>', +'<updated>',a,'</updated><summary>'/a/a/a/a/'</summary></entry>') return end * atmft - Output Atom feed footer subroutine atmft (outu) integer outu write(outu, 10) 10 format('</feed>') return end