TinyHack Combat System Proposal -*-org-*- TinyHack (th) is a hack-and-slash style combat system for TinyMU* servers. * Weapon A th weapon is a MU* object that defines one or more $commands representing forms of attack that can be made with the weapon. When a player makes an attack, the result is determined based on d20 equations. For each attack, the weapon will have the following message attributes: - success :: shown to the attacking player when the attack succeeds. - victim success :: shown to the target of the attack when it succeeds. - other success :: shown to other players present in the same room when the attack succeeds. - failure :: shown to the attacking player when he succeeds. - victim failure :: shown to the target of the attack when it fails. - other failure :: shown to other players present in the same room when the attack fails. (Should attack results be a more-than-binary outcome? E.g. miss, deflected, light hit, strong hit. And a message triplet for each possible outcome?) * Character Sheet * Contrasts With Diku Combat System