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 Num1   Author            Name of the Zone Listed              Rcmd Lvls
 ===   ==============    ===================================  ===========
  1>   RoD / UCMM        Limbo                                  0 -  60
  2>   UCMM / UMRG       The Deathmatch Arena                   0 - 100
  3>   SDFMuD            Gods                                   0 - 116
  4>   ResortMUD         Darkhaven Academy                      1 -   5
  5>   Brittany          Spectral Gate                          0 -  60
  6>   Fairburn          Brave Land                            70 - 100
  7>   Rennard / UCMM    New Darkhaven                          0 -  60
  8>   Dystopia          The Vanishing Tower                   70 - 100
  9>   Garinan           The Pyramid of the Undead             70 - 100
 10>   Snowbird          Swanbrook Forest                      50 - 100
 11>   Puba              City of Sails                         45 - 100
 12>   Snaga Vanir       Roads                                  2 - 100
 13>   Rolindar          The Curse of the Necromancer          30 -  50
 14>   Rolindar          The Keep of Lilith                    40 -  50
 15>   Rolindar          The Plottings of Keraptis             40 -  50
 16>   Metheus           Midon Outpost                         15 -  80
 17>   Xanax             Thoran                                20 -  30
 18>   Garth             Chessboard                            45 -  60
 19>   Tyrst             Wyvern's Tower                         5 -  30
 20>   Garth             Cannabis                              40 -  60
 21>   Rolindar          Asgard                                40 -  50
 22>   Uriel             Anthill                                5 -  15
 23>   Iccarrius         Arietis Island                        25 -  50
 24>   Lok               Armageddon                            40 -  50
 25>   Drauka            Castle Botanica                       30 -  65
 26>   Mort              Castle Reinhold                       35 -  60
 27>   Chip              The Cellar                             1 -   5
 28>   Resai             Chevka River                          30 -  60
 29>   Binky             The Circus                             0 - 116
 30>   Herekan           Coeburn                                0 -  50
 31>   Josh Jenks        Dungeon Destard                        0 -  65
 32>   Yaegar            Crusher's Playpen                      1 -   5
 33>   Asuka             The Dark Tower                        30 -  50
 34>   Generic           Olympus                                5 -  30
 35>   Ymir              Myrloch Vale                          30 - 575
 36>   Zoya              Sarbhregd, the Pixie Village          10 -  20
 37>   DzztMys           Hundred Acres                         10 -  20
 38>   Rolindar          Island of the Dead                    15 -  30
 39>   Rainman           Setting Sons                           0 - 116
 40>   Kamir             The Halfling Inn                      70 - 100
 41>   Manx              Goblin Caves                          10 -  26
 42>   Hatchet           New Ofcol                              5 -  35
 43>   Yaegar            Kendermore                             0 -  65
 44>   Socrates          The Halls of Onasis                   35 -  80
 45>   Xzarr             The Tower Of Khellendros              40 -  60
 46>   Wynnia            The Magic School                      20 -  30
 47>   Diku              Sewer                                  5 -  30
 48>   Thorne            Minotaur's Labyrinth                  70 - 100
 49>   Lok               Freeport                              10 -  55
 50>   Anon              Sands of Sorrow                       10 -  20
 51>   Rolindar          The Legacy of Xchantharus             30 -  50
 52>   Ithra             The City of Eternity                  30 -  50
 53>   Atami             The Fells                              0 -   0
 54>   Yaegar/Kurgan     Mount Doom                            45 -  65
 55>   Raff              Dwarven Village                       10 -  35
 56>   Alfa              Holy Grove                             5 -  20
 57>   Rolindar          The Domain of World Eater             30 -  50
 58>   Lenny             Sesame Street                         35 -  50
 59>   Malifax           Borderkeep City                        0 -  65
 60>   Mahatma           Arachnos                               5 -  20
 61>   Andi              The Astral Plane                      15 -  35
 62>   Rainman           Cage and Aquarium                     15 -  25
 63>   Raff              Elemental Canyon                       5 -  30
 64>   Raff              Dwarven Catacombs                     10 -  20
 65>   Copper            Chapel Catacombs                      15 -  25
 66>   Gabriel           The Tomb of Damara                    15 -  25
 67>   Yaegar/Aurorix    The Dungeon                           20 -  45
 68>   Furey             Machine Dreams                         1 -   5
 69>   Anon              Drow City                             15 -  25
 70>   Sandman           Dragon Exports                         5 -  25
 71>   Rolindar          Forest of the Dead                    20 -  40
 72>   Doctor            Galaxy                                20 -  30
 73>   Zaknafein         Darkhaven Art Gallery                 10 -  50
 74>   Yaegar            Ghost Town                            45 -  65
 75>   Diku              Haon Dor                               5 -  10
 76>   Rolindar          The Usurpers of Hochenyana            20 -  35
 77>   Garth             Lair of Jher                          35 -  55
 78>   Xanax             Land of the Cult                      30 -  45
 79>   Chris             The Keep of Mahn-Tor                  15 -  35
 80>   Cedrick           Tullfuhrzky Manor                      0 -  10
 81>   Vanir             Mistvale                              50 -  85
 82>   Anon              Thalos                                10 -  25
 83>   Seccunda          Shattered Refuge                       5 -  20
 84>   Yaegar            The Seven Holy Places                 45 -  60
 85>   Yaegar            The Keep of the Warlock               20 -  30
 86>   Yaegar/Aurorix    Ilium                                 30 -  45
 87>   Hatchet           Valley of the Elves                    5 -  20
 88>   Atami             Hall of Atredies                       1 - 116
 89>   Joe               Southern Continent                    60 - 100
 90>   Sabine            Archipelago, The                      15 -  65
 91>   Snaga             The Ruined Remains of Eshwar          85 -  99
 92>   Ulraunt           ulraunt.are                           80 - 100
 93>   Snaga             Darkhaven housing department           0 -   0
 94>   Lothar            lothar's area                          0 -   0
 95>   Reiven            Amature Acadamy                        0 -   0
 96>   Kade              The Haunted                           70 - 100
 97>   Vanir             Field of Eternal Dreams                1 -   1
 98>   Vanir             Aldurs Castle                          0 -   0
 99>   Darven            Darvens Area                           5 -  25
100>   Vanir             Gargoyle Den                           0 -   0
101>   Vanir             {PROTO} Vanir's area in progress       0 -   0
102>   Andy              Amulet Area                            0 -   0
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