Syntax: !
Syntax: !! <channel>
Typing ! by itself will repeat the last command you typed.
Typing !! <channelname> will send the last command to <channelname>.
Example: if your last command was:
say I'll be back!
Then typing "!! chat"
will make you send:
chat say I'll be back!
(Of course your name will be in the chat)
You can even tell a few people a the same message. (DO NOT SPAM TO EVERYONE)
'tell Shogar This works well!'
'!! tell Beth'
'!! tell Ntanel'
It will still echo the whole line...
Yakkov tells 'tell Shogar This works well!'
To see all the channels available, type 'channels'. 

Syntax: cast 'remove invis' <object>

This spell will make an invisible object in the character's inventory
This is an AGGRESSIVE spell when used on others. I.e, it will attack
another player if you attempt to use it on them.

1 A~
.                MOVING THROUGHOUT GAME:
The game divided into many rooms which are connected by various
directionals to make up areas.  When you are in a room, you can
find the exits in the room by typing EXITS.  Autoexit is a helpful
command to initiate (type CONFIG +AUTOEXIT), because it will
automatically show you what exits there are in the room.  Be warned
however, you will only see the obvious exits.  You must pay attention
to the room descriptions to see if there might be any doors or hidden
passages in the room.

Directional commands: (in parentheses you find the shorthand)
NORTH (n)    SOUTH (s)    EAST (e)    WEST (w)     UP (u)     DOWN (d)

Note:  You will notice that in the prompt <20hp 10bp 20mv>, the 'mv'
       refers to your movement points.  If your movement points were
       to run out, you will be unable to move between rooms due to
       exhaustion.  If you type SLEEP or REST your movement points will
       slowly be replenished.  You must type STAND or WAKE before
       walking again.

Syntax: aassign <filename>.are  Example:  aassign edo.are

AASSIGN temporarily assigns all rooms, objects, and mobiles in the area
range to your pfile.  This allows you to use rlist, olist, mlist, and
reset list.  This also means that typing savearea, reset area, or
instazone will affect this area.

To save changes permenantly, type "aassign none" and foldarea.

&rWarning&w!! Do not have an area aassigned to yourself when getting personal
vnums assigned to you.  The personal vnums will overwrite the area file.

In order to assign a proto area to yourself, you must either have that
area bestowed to you by a Greater God or higher.

In order to assign a nonproto area to yourself, you must either have
that area bestowed to you by an Exalted+. Even if you have the area bestowed
only Lesser+ can aassign themselves nonproto areas.

To create a new abit or qbit, use the setabit and setqbit commands:
setabit <number> <description>
setqbit <number> <description>
The range for numbers is from 0 to 32000, and is defined as MAX_xBITS
just above the struct in mud.h. To raise or lower it, change the #define
and recompile your mud.

To see what bits exist, use the showabit and showqbit commands.
showabit <number>   /* Show the abit at <number> */
showqbit <number>   /* Show the qbit at <number> */
showabit all        /* List all abits */
showqbit all        /* List all qbits */

To set abits or qbits on characters manually, or see which ones characters have
them, use the abit and qbit commands:
abit <victim> [number]
qbit <victim> [number]
Without an argument, they'll list the bits, with an argument, they'll toggle
the bits on or off.

Mob progs can use mpaset and mpqset to toggle bits on or off:
mpaset <victim> <number>
mpqset <victim> <number>
Mob progs can also use the hasabit and hasqbit ifchecks to check the
state of a bit on a character. Example:
if hasabit($n) == 3100
say Welcome back, $n.
say You're new around here, aren't you, $n?
mpaset $n 3100
They can also check for a bit being turned off. Example:
if hasqbit($n) != 8546
say Haven't you completed your quest yet, $n?
say Congratulations, $n! You've completed the quest!

Syntax: accessories <argument>

Arguments: list
          <# of accessory> show
          <# of accessory> buy

Accessories will buy miscilenious objects for your home, from a list.
To see that list type accessories list, and from there you can show or
buy any of the objects on the list.

A speciality of a Darkknight, they cast out infernal tendrils of purely
black, negative energy, which crack, whip, snap, slash, and smash at
the hapless victim.  The more powerful a darkknight is, the more tendrils
and stronger the tendrils get.  This spell is very powerful dark magic,
and is reserved for only the most powerful of Darkknights.  Use wisely.

'Acetum Primus,' is the third and most powerful of the known acid
disciplines at the Mage's disposal.  This incantation pulls forth the
strongest caustic agents in the casting Mage's neighboring planes,
and propels them in a tight cyclone-like blast towards the Mage's
chosen victim.  The cross-dimensional disturbance, the physical
violence, and the bonescouring potency of the conjured compound all
work together to effect an estimable estrapade.


These are all attack spells and should not be used against another player
unless both you and the other player are listed under 'who deadly' and are
within the legal pkill level range.

1) Syntax:  cast fireball         <victim>
2) Syntax:  cast 'acid blast'     <victim>
4) Syntax:  cast 'colour spray'   <victim>
5) Syntax:  cast 'shocking grasp' <victim>
6) Syntax:  cast 'burning hands'  <victim>
7) Syntax:  cast 'magic missile'  <victim>

Each of these spells inflict variable damage on the victim.  The higher the
caster's level, the more damage inflicted.  The spells are listed by their
inherent power from strongest to weakest, though differences in strength
are in many cases minimal.

Syntax: cast 'acid breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fire breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'frost breath'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'gas breath'
Syntax: cast 'lightning breath' <victim>

These spells are for the use of dragons.  Acid, fire, frost, and lightning
damage one victim, whereas gas damages every PC in the room.  Fire and
frost can break objects, and acid can damage armor.

High level mages may learn and cast these spells as well.

Be aware that area attacks are aggressive to all mobs in the room,
including pets, mounts and charmed creatures.
Gas breath is an area attack, the other breath spells are not.

sentinel       Mobile always stays at its post.
scavenger      Mobile picks up items of value.
aggressive     Mobile attacks players.
stayarea       Mobile does not leave its home area.
wimpy          Mobile flees when low in hits.
practice       Players can "practice" at this mobile.
immortal       Mobile is immortal (not implemented).
deadly         Mobile has a deadly poison (not implemented).
meta_aggr      Mobile is VERY aggressive (not implemented).
nowander       Mobile doesn't wander unless attacked.
mountable      Mobile can be mounted.
prototype      Mobile is under construction.
running        Mobile is running (moves twice as fast)
noassist       Mobile won't assist other mobs in a fight.
pacifist       Mobile cannot be attacked.
scholar        Mobile can teach languages.
secretive      Mobile will not echo acts. MOBs actions are invisible.
mobinvis       Mobile is invisible to both pc's and non pc's.
noattack       Mobile won't use any physical attacks.
autonomous     Mobile won't switch tanks if hit by someone with higher style.
pet            Mobile can be used in creating a petshop.
banker         Mobile can be used to run a bank, see HELP BANK.
bounty         Mobile uses the bounty code.
undertaker    Mobile Grabs players corpse for player.
noquest       Mobile isn't included in quests.
healer         Mobile does spells for a cost.

This file is kinda incomplete, if you have more actiondesc's to post, please
tell someone.

Action Descriptions (actiondesc) are for edible items.  They make it look
more realistic if you use them correctly.
Action descriptions also work on drink containers.

To add one:

oset <item> actiondesc <your description>

An Example:

oset turkey actiondesc %s eat$q $p.

The known actiondesc's:

%s = person (If it is you, you see You)
$q = plural (If it is first person, it does not show.  If second, it shows S)
$p = item   (This displays the item that is edible)

Syntax: adrenaline
Syntax: adren

Someone with this skill can control the flow of adrenline through
their veins, allowing them a brief rush of strength and speed,
but afterward they suffer from a period of weakness and exhaustion.

Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE
may also be used to demote characters.

SMAUG supports having more than one exit in the same direction,
as well as the special direction 'somewhere', represented by a '?'.

If you already have an exit leading north, and would like another one,
use a plus sign '+' in front of the direction:
redit exit +n 3001          - Adds another exit north to room 3001

To modify an extra exit like this, or to remove it, you'll have to
refer to it by number:
redit exit #2 3002          - Change the second exit to go to room 3002

To know what number an exit is, do an "rstat".

For someone to be able to use the second north exit, you have to set one
of the extra flags (see EXFLAGS) like CAN_CLIMB.  It is also usually a good
idea to set the HIDDEN flag for any special exit so that it looks nicer
with autoexits on.

The AUTO flag makes it possible to go in a direction by simply typing the
keyword for that exit:
redit exit ? 3001           - Create a 'somewhere' exit to 3001
redit exflags ? auto hidden - Set the proper flags
redit exname ? swim         - Set the keyword "swim"
If a player types 'swim' in the room, they will move to room 3001.