diff-minor: <p><strong>Added:</strong></p>
	<div class="new"><p>&gt; * wine (already bought)</p></div><p><strong>Added:</strong></p>
	<div class="new"><p>&gt; === Guests<br />&gt; * Fr. Matumoto<br />&gt; * Fr. Ward<br />&gt; (Is Fr. Denis mobile enough to come? Ask Fr. Matumoto?)</p></div>
summary: Originally planned to //not// have a Thanksgiving dinner this year, but the cultural instincts are really pulling at me. Sunday (11/30) night seems . . .
flags: 0
ts: 1417075100
diff-major: 1
revision: 2
lastmajor: 2
keep-ts: 1417075100
text: Originally planned to //not// have a Thanksgiving dinner this year, but the cultural instincts are really pulling at me. Sunday (11/30) night seems to be our window of opportunity, but can we pull something off on such short notice on top of our existing commitments?
	=== Menu
	* ham (easiest to prepare?)
	* mashed potatoes
	* vegetables ...
	* apple pie
	* wine (already bought)
	(do as much as possible ahead of time)
	=== Guests
	* Fr. Matumoto
	* Fr. Ward
	(Is Fr. Denis mobile enough to come? Ask Fr. Matumoto?)
blocks: <p>Originally planned to <em>not</em> have a Thanksgiving dinner this year, but the cultural instincts are really pulling at me. Sunday (11/30) night seems to be our window of opportunity, but can we pull something off on such short notice on top of our existing commitments?</p><h3>Menu</h3><ul><li>ham (easiest to prepare?)</li><li>mashed potatoes</li><li>vegetables ...</li><li>apple pie</li><li>wine (already bought)</li></ul><p>(do as much as possible ahead of time)</p><h3>Guests</h3><ul><li>Fr. Matumoto</li><li>Fr. Ward</li></ul><p>(Is Fr. Denis mobile enough to come? Ask Fr. Matumoto?)</p>