MUCK Terminology & Syntax
                           by Feaelin Moilar
                         2004 April 6th -- ARR
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Title                                     Chapter
Syntax and Terminology....................A (3 pages)
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                   Basic Syntax and Terminology for Builders
                               By Feaelin Moilar
When presenting the syntax of a command we will attempt to consistently use the 
following convention:
'@example <required stuff> [optional stuff]'
That is, the command will be enclosed in single quotes, any parameters that are 
 _required_ will be enclosed in angled brackets/braces, and any optional 
parameters will be enclosed in square brackets.
Additionally, I find it helpful to present this list of the official names of 
< >  Either less than & greater than, or angled bracket/brace (left and right)
[ ]  Square brackets: left square bracket, etc.
{ }  Curly-Braces
( )  Left and right parentheses 
~    Tilde symbol
`    Backtick
'    single quote
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"    double quote
!    exclamation point
@    AT sign
#    pound
$    dollar sign
%    percent sign
&    ampersand
*    asterisk
_    underscore
-    hyphen
/    forward slash
\    backslash (or sometimes escape character)
|    Pipe (displayed as either single vertical line or a broken vertical line)
+    plus
=    equals
:    colon
;    semi-colon
.    period
,    comma
?    question mark
a-z  lowercase letters
A-Z  uppercase letters
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0-9  digits
123  a number
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