Metadata Date: 2011/9/8 I'm looking for a simple way to include metadata in my documents. The "Date: ..." line above is my motivating example: I need a way to associate a date with content that's more reliable than the file entry's last modified date (which can be perturbed by file operations, like copy, not related to the file's content. I'd like a wqy of representing metadata that's easy to read and write and can be embdedded in plain text or HTML files, but is clear enough to allow programmed parsing and close enough to established standards to be recognizable to others. The Dublin Core provides a standard set of metadata attributes, but the various syntaxes that support it, like RDF, are very cumbersome for maintenance by hand (though N3 and Turtle are almost simple enough. The source format for the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospacial Metadata metadata compiler looks promising, but it provides so little functionality beyond my simple "Date:" line it may not be worth bothering with.