
Title	: Aviary
Artist	: Julia Holter
Genre	: Art Pop, Chamber Pop, Indie Experimental
Released: 2018

An aviary is a type of terrarium meant for birds and other flying animals,
often natural-looking while hiding a facade of greenhouse-like
architecture. Julia Holter's "Aviary" is similar, featuring natural
sounding instrumentation and chamber pop songwriting, but filtering it
through experimental passages and subtle electronic effects. There are
pieces like the "I Shall Love" tracks that can feel bombastic and huge, but
also smaller, quieter tracks, like "Chaitius", "Voce Simul", and "I Would
Rather See". Julia can go from sounding hopeful and youthful to dejected
and sad even within the same part of a song. Every track is expressive,
artful, expansive, and worth your full attention. If you want to sit
through an hour-and-a-half magical experience, this is the album for you.

Favorite Tracks: Turn the Light On, I Would Rather See, Why Sad Song