Old Computer Challenge Day 3 (This text was written second time, after incidentally overwriting previous version) So I have now my preferred terminal st from suckless.org with beautiful font DejaVu Sans Mono. Compilation was not so hard, I have to uncomment library specification for OpenBSD, made some changes because of my preferences and just make. That is nice and a bit surprising, because I remember that I have to change more things during compilation in NetBSD. The st is simple terminal, no tabs, no menus, everything (event fonts and colors) is configured in header file config.h. If you want f.ex. many sessions just use tmux. So now I have (mostly) text environment and I have and idea to use my small EeePC as serial console to even older "computers" like Z80-MBC2 (of course Z80 CPU), SBX W65C265 (CPU 65816), and still in transit 68K-MBC (of course it runs Motorola 68000). First test passed ok, using standard BSD cu program and Z80-MBC2. I rather prefer old good (but not obsolete) ckermit, so tomorrow I will test that SBCs with it. The most important is support in kernel for USB2Serial chips. Z80-MBC2 has popular CP2101 and works good. What happens with others - we will see. That's all for today Greetings from 512MB Gopherhole.