1nisanth relative link	/users/nisanth
0notes	notes.txt
0rule	rule.txt
0figlet	figlet.txt

0gophermap	ngophermap.txt

       _                 _   _
 _ __ (_)___  __ _ _ __ | |_| |__  
| '_ \| / __|/ _` | '_ \| __| '_ \ 
| | | | \__ \ (_| | | | | |_| | | |
|_| |_|_|___/\__,_|_| |_|\__|_| |_|

Sunday, 22 January 2023

    This is 'gophermap' and it masks the raw directory listing.
    Instead, it 'interprets' the directory into named resources.
    More or less without exposing the resource's correct filename.

    ref. [ https://sdfeu.org/w/tutorials:gopher ]

    There is a *lot* more in the directory than you are seeing
    (at least double the number of files 'exposed' through this
    gophermap).  Not really meant to be secured, so much as it
    is meant to be 'presentable' ;)

    It'll say things like '[11] notes' and the '11' part is just
    the corresponding line number of the gophermap.  So, to mask
    that (make the numbers much lower) simply do not do it!  Haha.

    idk how or if there's a work-around, but default parser is
    picking up line numbers and square-bracket'ing them (as it were).

So, suppose ..

You have a very long gophermap.

How does the system handle that?

It paginates.  But did not see controls to indeed, move to the
next page that got paginated.  So unclear what that is other
than a graceful error handling schema (ill-formatted gophermap).

(later)  use of lynx www browser exposes 'what happens next' when
a looong gophermap is encountered.  lynx picks it up and paginates
as usual. 

Sun Jan 22 16:34:18 UTC 2023


The above is an exact copy of 'gophermap' in this directory
(may be out of date; manually sync'd infrequently).

Last updated:

Sun Jan 22 16:39:31 UTC 2023