>create post "nix os woes" post "nix os woes" created the date is march 19, 2020 this post is about my utter misusage and switch away from nix os okay so, nix os just isnt for me id used it for a good few months but ngl, i was startin to have some issues with it one thing: (i dont know why) nix really works well if you know exactly what you want on your system going in and arent going to be making many changes well guess who keeps wanting changes anyways nix has a built in thing for non-declaritive package management (aka the way most oses do it) which is called "nix-env" nix-env is absolute garbage and 9/10 times will ruin your install yeah guess who also used nothing but nix-env to install stuff it got to the point where nothing would update since nix is one of those package managers where if one thing fails, everything fails i still do like the nix build system but on an os level? not for me, chief anyways im back on openbsd which has always been one of my favorite operating systems and im pretty comfortable for now. only problem is that urbit and some other stuff i use a lot doesnt run on bsd but thats alright. thats why virtual machines exist :^) also dont worry i did back everything up beforehand. im getting better about that, especially now since im getting into urbit, ipfs, and other stuff where i really dont want to lose anything. and if i do lose it then i get punished quite a bit. anyways enough for me today. ill ramble again some other time good night phlogosphere ill see you tomorrow :wq