  DATE : 2021.06.15
  TIME : 10:59
AUTHOR : nelliott@sdf.org

        in formal events, everyone wants to dress appropriate,
        look nice, and want to stand out.
some people do it out of respect for the host of the event, some
do it for attention, and others may do it because they were told
to by someone else.
        however these formal events are fleeting, and only last a
        day or two at the most. most
people don't dress formal everyday, or behave formally
everyday. the facade of opulence and elegance quickly decays away
into one's true self.
        new relationships are sometimes like this. partners will
        try to look their best, act their
best, so they can maintain the connection.
        building a relationship is like starting a fire, you start
        out slow, until gradually the
fire grows bigger and bigger. quick relationships start out fast,
and hot, until they quickly run out of fuel, and burn out. evenly
paced relationships have just the right amount of fuel to keep the
fire alive, without burning out.
        it's all to easy to act a certain way when meeting a new
        partner, trying to look the best
act the best. but, it's all a facade. it's more difficult to act
as your true self when meeting a new mate. this type of behavior
will pay off in the long term, because you don't need to continue
to act a certain way, or pretend to be interested in things that
the potential partner likes.
