  DATE : 2019.05.04
  TIME : 20:14
AUTHOR : nelliott@sdf.org

	today is cloudy, and rainy where I am. I love poking
	around on operating systems.
I recently bought a cheap orange pi zero, I'm not all sure what
to do with it though..	right now I have a usb camera attached
to it viewing the outside. this little computer only has 512MB
of memory, so I can't seem to get vlc to stream video without
it crashing.  in the short term, I just use the camera to take
snapshots using ffmpeg. I'm so impressed by the usefulness of
vlc. I can't believe all of the arguments that it takes, it can
be overwhelming. sometimes these software tools have really cool
features, but are buried in obscure cli arguments.

	anyways, I'm giving thought setting up a distributed
	system design. the main
focus of the system would be the storage. each node will pxeboot
to the storage server, and read a configuration. the configuration
will determine what that nodes job is. in my mind, this seems
really scalable. I can see a multiple nodes connecting to a
storage location such as aws s3, or google storage bucket,
and preforming predetermined tasks such as capturing video,
processing the video using "motion", and then alerting based off
of predetermined events. idk, just thinking while typing.