I'm not a fan of summer. Never have been.

I long for the cold crisp air of autumn and winter. The
brilliant colors of the trees in the Fall, the yellows, reds, and 
oranges dazzle the eyes.  When I was a boy, I loved seeing the girls peep 
out from under their hooded coats or woolen hats, with their bright eyes 
and warming smiles.

Summer is boring, the colors are shades of green and sunburned brown. The 
season is vulgar, overly fleshy, sweaty, buggy, and noisy.  Need I
need mention that the nights are too short?

I find it amusing that people who say they love summer spend so much of 
their time complaining about it or trying to avoid experiencing it. 
They'll spend a few hours on the beach or cooking out, complaining about 
the ants and flies, swearing that it's too hot, cussing at the weeds 
growing in the pavement. 

Summer lovers spend a great deal of their time in air conditioning. They 
run from the air-conditioned cars to their air-conditioned houses. And 
they want to sleep at night with the AC blasting frigid air so they 
can sleep comfortably under piles of blankets. What is the logic here? 

Did I mention that "Summer People" complain a lot? It's funny that when 
the outside temperatures match the lows of their bedrooms in the summer 
they complain even more.  You can sleep comfortably under a blanket in 
the Autumn without a massive electric bill.

I'll endure summer. But, I can't wait until the sunrise occurs after 6 AM 
and the sunset is before 5 PM. The time the cooler and even the cold weather 
is when you can walk outside without bugs biting, wrapped in a cozy coat 
and gloves. There will be a slight cold penetrating your protective shell 
and a splash of fresh, clean cold air across your face. You'll feel alive.

I heard crickets this morning. Autumn is growing near. It will be