Wed Mar  9 10:55:34 PM EST 2022

I realize I'm doing it; still, I submit. It's a state of
blindness that I voluntarily enter. Time here... it's wrong
to say it disappears or that it never existed at all, but by
the same token it's senseless to say it's before that.

All there is is the task at hand, and there I'll stay for
days. Sure, the body will give out; and, yes, the mind will
lose its grasp in time. Still, I push forward. What
distraction is worth more than the next step?

And the world moves on -- not 'without me,' per se, but with
me in that place, unknowingly affecting the course of reality
in however small a way.

Is the hyper-focus an escape from reality? A refuge from or
avoidance of other priorities? Or are the other priorities
simply mirages? Maybe this odd discipline is a great
strength, precisely what is needed to weather a world moving
in the wrong direction and do some infinitesimal part to
right its course?

Does it need justification, to be who we are? Can we ever
really do other than what is most important for us in any
given moment? 

Who is to judge? Who else knows who I am?