Mon Jan 10 11:03:21 PM EST 2022

It happens every so often -- probably predictably so, if I
bothered to track it. Every so often, the mind begins to
notice itself -- and it seems to want you to know. And
maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't mind if you believed that it
was something else that wanted to have a word with you.

Over years of reading accounts of various people's disparate
experiences in diverse contexts, it might be viewed as
anything from light mental illness to full on madness in a
clinical context, or perhaps enlightenment, prophecy, an
encounter with a demon, or an encounter with god.

In my experience? It's a bit... mundane, maybe even
annoying. Would you think it ungrateful to hear someone
dismiss a conversation with god as... an annoyance? To hear
one encountering a demon respond with a "Here we go again"?
To hear one given a vision of the future respond, "Sure, and
tomorrow it'll be something different"? But it's miraculous,
no? A gift! Or is it a defect, or maybe a curse? 

Once you know what it is, you know what to do. I mean, look
around. Isn't that what we all do? Once we know what it is,
we know what to do. Now look at yourself: Once you know what
it is, ...

So tell me, do you know what this is?


Can it possibly be a coincidence that such an answer appears
off-season and out of the blue like this?

Will you bite? Will you pull the thread? Will you take the
pill? Drink the potion and go down the rabbit hole? You
decide. If you know what it is, you know what to do.