Sat Mar 23 02:56:31 UTC 2019 Well here's something I didn't consider. If you are in a major city, and are spending the day in a busy office space there's one thing that is going to be hard to come by. A quiet place to be alone and record! Today I recorded about 30 seconds in the elevator on the way up. After that I was expecting to go out on a dinner break and record like in an alley way or on some steps somewhere. It was impossible. The noise and hustle and bustle is really quite alot. I have high hopes for the strata center though. A college campus will have lots of hiding places to record. I hear you can even get onto the roof if you're stealthy enough about it. I'll let you know, but I wanted to be sure you all knew I wasn't giving up. I'll keep trying! Talk soon! -Marcus