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 Day  1  
 July 12, 2024
 Trip Photo Gallery https://wm.sdf.org/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1172

 I woke up at 7am and it was painfully too early. Around 8:30 I 
 forced myself to sit up and get dressed. Grateful that last night
 my brain knew enough to take care of showering before bed.  What
 a fun day.  My feet hurt and I stumble to the cafeteria.  Red flag 
 number one workers sitting at the table eating. Hmm maybe they're 
 on a break. Nay nay the pastry shelves appear barren. The dagger 
 is right in front of me the pulled down fencing over the doors.  
 I showed up at 9 and no breakfast. The coffee machines were still 
 active so I did get a couple of instant lattes before heading to 
 the main hall.  

 Met up with Jason and watched the opening. It was short and quick. 
 My feet sure did hurt. 

 From there it was a bit of a whirlwind. <taking a shower I hope 
 I finish this > After a while I'm back oops. Sorry for the delay
 also thanks to f6k for reminding me to go finish these posts! For 
 details of talks I mention or who the speaker was or anything like 
 that please refer back to the HOPE XV schedule website. I'll try my 
 best to report who and what but my recollection isn't always perfect.
 I was an A/V volunteer last year and was lucky enough to work with 
 Chaos and Jason who were some of the most amazing lighting and sound
 professionals I've ever met. Unfortunately they were't here this year, 
 but I still learned alot volunteering to the guy in charge of all the
 A/V Joly from the Internet Society. While we are talking about people
 Tommy and Eric were volunteers who came back again this year. We all
 had great chemistry during A New Hope which made working this year so
 much smoother and easier.  Clint was a new volunteer but he rules and 
 his Toyota truck is a dang spaceship. This is the first conference 
 where I had someone I was trying to see talks with or at least wanted
 to talk about stuff with during the event. I think I got it figured 
 out I think. 

 I was kind of a floating AV volunteer today. I was hoping to learn the
 system at each room and then help wherever. Angel System is very cool,
 but there were issues with sessions closing just when volunteers might 
 be looking to join, but it turned out to be a time zone setting. Matrix 
 was a challenge because many don't use it until the conference. I
 think a training guide or maybe a workshop might be helpful. 

 You cannot escape AI in 2024 and HOPE was not any different. First 
 talk was about detecting good versus bad versions of usage of 
 generative AI. From there I tried and failed to balance what I wanted
 to see and what I wanted to learn and also what help was needed. This
 is something I struggled with the entire conference. I missed out on the
 Group Mesh talk from Tushar Jois (https://tjo.is) and Ham Radio for 
 Hackers, but I did get to learn how to run the sound in the rooms. 
 My pal from the identi.ca days, murph, had a tmux workshop that filled 
 up and I hear was good. I helped out or at least hung out during the 
 Jet Engine talk. Was an interesting retrospective about how unintuitive 
 the development of the jet was. It was very interesting. The infobeamer 
 innovation used at HOPE is a great little tool it provided a steady 
 video stream to switch to for interstitial slides between talks. 
 Something I learned during this first day was that there weren't any 
 lunch breaks in the schedule. You had to skip out on a talk if you 
 wanted to eat. I went between different talks and checked in on all 
 the rooms to be sure they had what they needed.
 Friends I saw between talks said that the Tiffany the Sex robot talk 
 was pretty cool.  The CriptasticHacker had 2 talks but there was 
 some confusion I think they had one talk canceled and the other one 
 was a video presentation sent in.  It was a good talk audio and video
 were good.  I stopepd by the concession stand and bought a pepperoni
 pizza and got a coke. Then I headed to Marillac Auditorium and shared a
 slice with a volunteer on the video and learned some more.  At 3pm it was
 1900 UTC so I jumped outside to do the aNONradio show.  I think I was 
 late but it was a gas. Reallky enjoy aNONradio :).  I took some time 
 after the show to check out the vintage computers. Very cool and fun stuff.
 One was setup with space invaders and another with pacman.  I also found 
 some physical spam that had advertisements for various bits of gear that 
 have multiple uses. 

 Fae Carlisle had a good talk about strenght in unity, sharing is caring
 that explored in a fun way how exploits are shared and that cyber security
 is something that we can win if we all work together on.  Maybe not exactly
 but that is what I took away. During this talk I also learned that the stream
 software may loose a slide or other HDMI input and if so you go to the input
 tab and if it shows disconnected click the disclosure triangle and then pick
 the proper input. Ofr us it was the NDI: Pro Convert option. After this talk 
 the food trucks showed up. There was a waffle/dessert truck. The menu was
 simple but they had iced and hot coffee also which was cool.  The other truck
 was a halal burger truck. They had burgers, fries, sauced fries, and water. 
 From here Jason and I and Rueben, Mariah, Bernie, and one other person
 whose name I'm blanking on.  We all went to Nikko's Hibachi for another
 night of Hibachi :D !  It was wonderful again but this time much louder
 because it was friday night. Photos indicate the hibachi flames were 
 blazing around 9:30pm and I was on the way back to the dorms by 10:30pm.
 I saw a directional antenna at 10:49pm. Also to note is that the gates
 were closed and locked so I had to walk around to Gate 6 to get in. 
 On Matrix someone had indicated they needed relief at the front desk 
 but fortunately security had taken over the front desk by the time I 
 got there.   
 I was really good at writing down the days events on day 0 alas by day 
 1 I was toast. I think next conference I'll try and just record an audio
 diary that I transcribe. 

 Ok! Tomorrow I'll try to get day 2 and 3 before I forget them!

 Unfortunately it's already fading from my mind so I'll try my best. 
 Writing this out takes much longer than you might expect.

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mnw(at)sdf.org Ext. 1908 

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