--1337 7r4n51470r by mN4v local file = nil local leetfile = nil local canEnter = false local frase = '' local mLinhas = {} function checkExistence(file) local testf = io.open(file,'r') if testf then io.close(testf) return true else return false end end function makeLeet(letra, isEven) if letra == 't' then return '7' elseif letra == 'a' then return '4' elseif letra == 'e' then return '3' elseif letra == 'g' then return '6' elseif letra == 's' then return '5' elseif letra == 'z' then return '2' elseif letra == 'o' then return '0' elseif letra == 'l' then return '1' else if isEven%2 == 0 then return string.upper(letra) else return letra end end end function nextStep(file) if leetfile and leetfile ~= '.l33t' then for ecchiLine in io.lines(file) do local pos = 1 frase = '' for letra in string.gmatch(ecchiLine, '%Z') do frase = frase .. makeLeet(string.lower(letra),pos) pos = pos + 1 end if canEnter then frase = '\n' .. frase else canEnter = true end table.insert(mLinhas,frase) end local cText = '' for k,v in ipairs(mLinhas) do cText = cText .. v end local trnlArq = io.open(leetfile, 'w+') io.output(trnlArq) io.write(cText) io.close(trnlArq) print('success!') os.exit() else print('ERROR: missing file') os.exit() end end function getFile() if (os.getenv('APPDATA')) then os.execute('cls') else os.execute('clear') end io.write('Insert the file you want to translate (full path)\n>>') file = io.read() if (checkExistence(file)) then leetfile = file .. '.l33t' nextStep(file) else print('ERROR: missing file') os.exit() end end getFile()