# Darkroom progress 2020-09-22 I've taken some time this month to read up on my darkroom-practices, and to actually to through stuff in my closet inside my apartment, so that I can use it to make a small darkroom there to make prints from my negatives. I bought a worktable at IKEA and put it inside them room, and it is just the right size to fit my enlarger and four medium-size trays of developer, stop, fix and water. I have no running water inside the closet of course, so I go out after each print and put it in the wash using the water-tray. Then I get any print from the last rinse, and repeat that process until I have no more room to hang prints, or until I have to go to bed for the night. The process is actually kind of soothing, and even if it is repetitive, it's fun to experiment a bit and try using different negatives. I have collected quite a few since I started shooting analogue a few years ago. The process I use right now is something like this: * Exposure for 5-15 seconds, depending on the negative. * Develop in Eukobrom for 60 seconds * Stop in Ilfostop for 30 seconds * Fix in Tetenal superfix for 60 seconds After this, I rinse for a few minutes, and hang the prints to dry over night. I've mostly used fiber-based papers up until now, but might experiment with RC-stuff later on. Brands I've been using are Foma and Kentmere. I've found a lot of fun in tweaking this process, and just making nice prints and learning as I'm going. Hopefully, I can produce some more high-quality scans from them too. The content for this site is CC-BY-SA-4.0.