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    . |01.01 - DEDUCOM                                   .
      Structured  Query  Language   (SQL)  is  simply  a
    language to  communicate with computers.  It's quite
    an  old  language  in   terms  of  modern  computers
      One   of  the   first  implementation   of  higher
    abstraction  level language  was DEDUCOM  (Deductive
    Communicator).  It  was  operating around  the  year
    1965. The program DEDUCOM  was written in LISP. This
    deductive program  had capacity for 68  facts and it
    was able to answer 10 questions.
      The  deductive programs  development was  directed
    towards increasing capacity of  the whole systems to
    absorb higher number of the input facts.
      The concept  became base for the  idea of programs
    where input  is given in simple  queries. The result
    were programs allowing to answer questions by ad-hoc
    search programs construction.
      This   type    of   programs    construction   had
    complications   in   the   correct   answer   search
    implementation. Some  queries doesn't  gives answers
    and some do in the case of correct facts sorting.
      The DEDUCOM  program solved this  by propositional
    calculus usage. Implementation complications arrised
    when  the  facts  had  to be  transformed  into  the
    logical equivalent in  propositional calculus and it
    was necessary to input  many redundant facts. In any
    case  DEDUCOM  became  proof of  concept  for  these
      Interestingly  the  DEDUCOM   was  the  result  of
    artifical intelligence research in LISP language.