
welcome to this space. I'm glad you are here.

Here's a little bit about me:

My name is [redacted]... 

I live in Canada but I'm a south-american (brasil). I'm not a native english speaker as you will notice.

I'm quite interested in low-tech tools and low-fidelity media as a creative impulse. 

I like to create art, altought I don't consider myself an artist. 

I'm a programmer for living. 

I have a couple of unfinished side projects and want to continue working on them when I have some spare time. 
Examples being a livecoding music programming language on top of ChucK or a cassette cover design tool. 
[Update]: I've created a sourcehut account to host my side projects. Check it out if you are interested: https://git.sr.ht/~lofi4track/

[I'm writing from the local library now]

Thanks for reading =)
