Book Review Program = Proof: Part III LdBeth At the time of writing Lean 4 is almost ready for a stable release. If you haven't heard of it, it is an easier to install proof assistant and has more powerful automation compared to Agda. However Lean 4 does not plan to support Homotopy Type Theory at all (while Lean 3, the current stable version, has limited support to HoTT) so the last part of this book cannot be applied on Lean 4. 1. Equal, in type the time we can just sim‐ plify this since we would The term "definitional hardly ever need the concept equality" may be confusing. of set of all sets in pro‐ However it basically means gramming. that the two sides of the equality can be reduced to 3. Inductive types the same term. Notice that by the property of well You may think inductive typed terms, the reducing is types are just about more guaranteed to terminate, so complex composition of basic in Agda definitional equal‐ types, however in the type ity can be directly solved theory inductive types are by the proof assistant most also the more "safe" way to of the time. However in some extend the theory than just more subtle variants of type make some constants. For theory, notably NuPRL's type that reason, the positivity theory, the reducing does check of inductive types is not having termination pro‐ implemented in proof assis‐ perty. In that case, manual tants of type theory. guide of term rewriting is of most of the time neces‐ 4. Homotopy type theory sary. The most essential con‐ 2. Universe cept of HoTT is about equal‐ ity type. In the "ordinary" While at first glance type theory we would just it seems that Dependent type assume all the witnesses of theory is the result of equality types are defini‐ adding function computation tional equal, that is, they to type level, universe is have no interesting computa‐ something added to prevent tional contents. the paradox. However most of CONTINUE=> However, in HoTT, one 4.3. Path traveler cannot easily consider two witnesses of quality types, The path operations or path types, are equal. are, actually ways to coerce This means axiom K, which is the type of the witness in about the uniqueness of the type theory, if think compu‐ inhabitant of path types, is tationally. There space disabled for HoTT mode. With interpretations are more that in mind type theory can subtle. be derived to a language ideal for geometry or what‐ 5. Univalence ever of interests of certain mathematicians. The concept is any two equivalent types can be 4.1. Leibniz equality proved definitional equal by univalence axiom. Then, we In some of the early can ignore the implementa‐ proof assistants, due to the tion detail of data types lack of fancy unification since different representa‐ algorithms (actually Agda tions are able to be would also try to rewrite automatically transported by the goal with hypotheses), UA. Both operations on data the Leibniz equality is used and proofs about them can be in place of the definitional bridged easily. equality before mentioned. In section 9.1.4 a proof that Leibniz equality is Many results of propositional equal to univalence presented in this definitional equality is chapter are just seems more given. fancy concept presentation of similar concepts already 4.2. In the space existed in NuPRL to me. Other than that, I got the The HoTT interpretation impression that higher of types is types are inductive types are only spaces, inhabitants of types interesting to geometry are points in spaces, and related fields. Overall this the path types are paths book is a gentle introduc‐ between two points. One can tion to logic and type imagine path types can be theory. It seems my concatenated. The lack of interests in type theory has axiom K means paths can not been refreshed again. be easily contracted to points.