Well damn, I didn't mean to forget to update this space for over a year but here we are, 13 months since the last update and I'm finally publishing something for you to read. You know, the sad thing is I actually had a person send me an email asking me to update, and I always intended to but kept forgetting. I also tried to reply to them but I'll be damned if the web didn't seem to just eat that email, for it never to be seen by the awesome person who just wanted me to write something new. Consider this just a test, to make sure I even remember how to format stuff in Gopher. 80 columns max text is easy to remember since I'm also a typewriter user, but the particular tabbing and formatting of gophermaps, I'd have to look that up again if I didn't already happen to have a basis in what already existed here. Right, now to update a few more things and have some fun with GOPHER! :)