SEPT 25, 2021 ------------- mUCH LEARNED since yet much the same yEd, I like a lot. Finally generalizing. But confirming multiple simultaneous generalizations whichi is frustrating too. I think I made an Oracle I can question. Maybe. Nov 30, 2019 ------------ What if and Should cause so much grief. They can be a _strong_ path _forward_ *but* they can also cripple. WHAT CAN IS BETTER. ___WHAT CAN I DO ___RIGHT NOW FROM ___WHERE I AM ___RIGHT HERE? ---every object is part of a project-- Go back to when you got them. Figure out the project. What's the deliverable? too many inputs, not enough outputs. what are your inputs? every item you own. what are your outputs? the projects that these objects are a part of. PARTICIPATION MATTERS. -- that was 5am 5am thoughts on Nov 30, 2019==== --------------------------- So, I find myself returning. [voice to text iPhone 5s using a not very good terminal program Nov 29, 2019] Now I'm on my computer connecting via mTelnet. Had to set term ansi. Anxiety lately at higher than normal. Finding returning to text console soothing. Gopher relaxing. Lynx happy place. So, instead of fighting it, running with it. It's helpful. -Ken