Mia Artisme thanks so much - it's just something I was thinking
   about - I was talking to a new friend the other day who is in
   the Aspergers way and wondered about that - and it would
   certainly make a lot of sense. I never liked categorising myself
   - don't like categorizing myself based on religion, or politics
   or sports teams - it's why i've yet to find a tattoo of any kind
   I'd want to die with!... (its why I have no tattoos) - I'm
   fasctinated by symbolism but never found one to describe myself
   with. Yet, this Aspergers thing, this autism thing has
   absolutely fasctinated me since I was a teenager. I'd read up on
   it, learn about it etc and I'd pay attention to people (I'm
   always trying to figure people out - but I can ne... "