I'm by default skeptical of theories-explaining-everything.
   Nobody's "got it right" so far, and I don't expect anyone to
   'get it right" now. But I expect good ideas to keep coming from
   people. So, to avoid getting pulled fully into someone's chains
   of logic whereby I'm pursuaded convincingly to believe that
   their conclusions are true, I look at neutral summaries, and
   then I look at the critics. Once I look at the critics, then I
   look more deeply into the advocacy. [whatever they're advocating
   to be true]. ===== I don't have a problem with the computable
   Universe concept, but I think it has things backwards. Computers
   were based upon us and to base the Universe upon computability,
   which is a human construction is ultimately basing the Universe
   upon our cognitive processes that CREATED computability. In
   short: a cycle that STILL starts and ends with us. I have a bias
   towards systems including the computability hypothesis, which is
   why I give them my harshest criticism: I _want_ them to be right
   so badly that I have to be CERTAIN that they're not wrong. == As
   I see concepts as starting and ending with us, with a lot of
   fascinating pragmatic stuff inbetween, for me I tend to utilize
   analogies-as-basis for things. Analogies are how we learn, how
   we explain things.. analogies in science (analogous systems) are
   powerful enough to make machines like computers, or systems like
   mathematics or philosophy. Analogies building upon analogies.
   Mathematics is a fascinating analogizing tool: it very nearly
   gets a life of its own from the most humble beginnings. Logic as
   well. yet I see both as powerful analogizing systems, leaving
   analogies, so far, the closest thing I can come to as a basis
   for the Universe. Of course I'm being very broad and generous
   with my definition of analogy but it's used that way commonly.
   Why do the body's cell accept virus "mimickers"? Because for the
   cell, the virus is an analogy (similar-to) the thing it's
   "expecting" yet it's different. I keep thinking someday I'll
   write a big thing about this. I keep hoping somebody else does
   or did instead though so I could just read their book and go,
   "YES! This guy gets it!" smile emoticon ==