Attempting to understand, in a general way, groups to which racial differences matter and those to whom it does not. For example, I have friends that are Swedish - either Swedish or Swedish American. I have noticed that race does make somewhat of a difference to them. I have friends that are Polish or Polish American. Race makes a larger difference to them. I have friends that are English. Among English friends, they seem to care more about religion than race. I'm not taking written notes on these things. I just analyze subcultures as a hobby. Helps me come to a greater understanding of different perspectives of peoples. == I was raised in New Jersey. Mostly white neighborhood but the Irish/Italian split was noticeable. 1 sq mile. Nearby towns (also small) had ethnic enclaves that ran the gammut. I have certain prejudices. I do not hold a keen view on Puerto Rican for example but I don't have any issues with other Hispanic nationalities. Black people I do not hold any issue with and I worked and traveled through their neighborhoods regularly and had a relatively balanced group of friends racially. We were all New Jersey people and agreed that the world is stupid. Now, I live in Florida in a more ethnically mixed neighborhood. Hatian, Mexican, redneck. The rich part of town is extremely white. Naples. Beverly Hills $$$ [even moreso]. But I live in the redneck part. The Klan meets two blocks away from me at a guy's house. CIA and Mafia alike retire here and have lunch together and talk about old times. That sort of thing. I have a slight prejudice against Haitian. That's probably the only thing I've gained in prejudice living here for 14 years so far. I've also lost my prejudice against redneck. I understand better now. == I am also prejudiced against statistical analysis of peoples and prejudiced towards individualism, hence my storytelling and asking you questions. However, I am willing to conduct my own personal surveys on individuals and improve my own internal analysis of peoples and their behaviors. ==