A memory trick I learned a long time ago from a guy named Harry... ugh, I think it's Harry Lorraine. It wasn't his idea either - he just wrote about memory a lot. Let's see: If you want to fix something in your memory make it bloody, violent, sexy or absurd. So if you want to remember where you put your glasses, mentally STAB them violently into the table as you set them down (normally). have blood coming out of the table. Or you can imagine the glasses and the tabletop having an affair. Whatever works for you. You'll remember them there later. == On my nose. I wear them all the time, except when I'm sleeping or eating (for some reason). Very nearsighted, although getting better with middle age. === History: On the kitchen table about 9 hours ago... On the bathroom sink about 12 hours ago. On my dresser about 15 hours ago and that's the end of easily available memory. My mind is already traveling back further in time but you get the idea tongue emoticon [I have a keen memory, which isn't always a good thing]