danger words: maybe probably sometimes could be perhaps
   allegedly When used with an otherwise strong statement, we can
   be EASILY fooled into thinking something is TRUE when it's all a
   story. I should write out lists of these. Manipulative language
   slips in under our radar too easily. === it's wise to be
   cautious and listen. Some words "guide you" towards a conclusion
   without one even seeing it coming. == Always? Perhaps. (notice
   the effect just there? I toned down the strength of the "always"
   with the perhaps). In some ways, it seems that communication
   isn't always a benign task of imparting information from one to
   another, but rather (apparently) is used as a tool to lead one
   towards a particular designed way of thought. I have to watch
   myself: I have convinced people with my opinion when all I
   wanted was a discussion. Words are powerful. == I love
   everybody's responses here! I love using these words. But they
   have a strange power of easing someone into accepting.things
   that sound absolute otherwise. Always and never, granted, are
   worse, for what *is* "always" and "never"? Not a whole lot that
   I can think of. I guess for me it's "use and misuse" of language
   in convincing people of things. == I typically do what you do as
   well. I like all the words on my list of "danger words". I use
   them all of the time. I like to qualify my statements, staying
   open-ended, moving away from absolutes unless necessary for some
   reason. But consider how powerful that is? If you want to
   convince somebody that you are correct, a "soft-touch" is more
   powerful than a hard blow. It reminds me of the expression,
   "Speak softly but carry a big stick". When I say "danger", I
   don't mean that they're dangerous to _use_ per se. What i mean
   is that one ought to watch out for them when _others_ use them,
   because they have a very strong convincing power in their
   subtlety. == i can't shoot a rifle straight. I avoid
   confrontation and learned to talk convincingly for times I was
   in confrontation situations. Still, I've thrown a punch or two
   when necessary and solid, but I'm not a fan. ==