But just as some people need to pursue physics as far as they can take it, others need to pursue philosophy as far as they can take it. There's some overlap, sure. But not much. They also educate each other: Heidegger for example has informed modern cognitive science. The hammer *does* become a part of the person as they use it. === Well consider this: If Bill Nye, as a Science advocate, is seeking to dissuade people from Philosophy and into Science, wouldn't he want to leave the misanthropes where they are and keep them _away_ from Scientific fields? tongue emoticon == I personally never "took" to Philosophy. I was and am always a Science guy. I started looking into it about 2 years ago, mostly as an attempt to understand the "online Philosopher" mindset because it was always rather foreign to me. I guess from a psychology POV / personality profiling type thing. But I did gain a respect for it in the process. I think a Philosophy of Science needs to continue right alongside the practicing of the Sciences alongside the funding of the Sciences along with the relationship to Engineering, Marketing, Industry, Education, etc. == He's a talking head now. He's beyond getting further educated 'cause he's got opinions: LOTS AND LOTS of opinions. I keep waiting for him to run for public office somewhere on a Science-yay ticket. He could get it. I could see him as mayor of a little Oregon village somewhere. ==