Only at a certain zoom that's true. But step back a little bit
   and there are better explanations than physics to describe the
   processes involved that are more efficient and effective. What
   you're saying is equivalent to looking at the binary while
   you're trying to read these words on facebook. Without the
   additional rules (such as decryption, protocol specs and such),
   the binary won't get you very far. Then again, my first modem
   was 300bps. I could listen to it working and I could hear the
   difference between a, b, c, d, e, f, g etc on the keyboard. I
   wanted to be able to listen to the transmission and decode it
   with my ears and I managed to get a lot of the letters down. But
   300 baud was not to last thankfully. I'd rather take speed and
   lose the ability to hear digital letters transmitting.