I use that reasoning too sometimes. It's ultimately not entirely
   correct because the moment-to-moment experience of time isn't
   quite that way, but when your life falls into steady routines
   that don't vary much, it seems to hold true. But it's a
   fantastic way to make a point. I like making it because I can
   drag it out. "When a child is one day old, they've lived 1/1
   days of their life. When you're 4082 days old, that's 1/4082th
   of your life. When you're 16060 days old, that's 1/16060th of
   your life. It always prompts a WOAH DUDE reaction. Love it.
   Oh, wish me a happy birthDAY: I'm 16100 days old today! That's
   16100 birthdays [1]#yay ! [that other thing is birthYEARS - bah,
   not enough of those. I'd rather celebrate rotations around the
   Earth's center of gravity, not rely on the Sun's - too far away]


   Visible links
   1. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/yay?hc_location=ufi