Currently adding missing subjects to my "little" Internet Archive collection (9900+ entries - currently Vines but I have more plans) - using CURL (a Win64 build that's actually working) and JSON patch add. I forgot to add subject: KennethUdut and subject: Vine to a bunch of them. Satisfying 'cause these are usually 'nix type tasks for pros but I got it working in Windows.... actually in the CMD. It was tricky because the Windows CMD doesn't like any kind of quotes. It doesn't like single quotes at all. It doesn't like double-quotes much either. But if you escape them, they work. It's also the first time I've worked with JSON endpoints on a massive scale without using Yahoo Pipes! (which is what I would have used long ago) or within Minecraft's JSON API (which was fun to work with), so the whole JSON syntax is finally 'clicking in'... again. Satisfying. I hate doing thing by hand and love figuring out how systems function and making good use of them.