I'm shooting for "generalist". if I'm going to specialize, I
   want to specialize in generalism. Covers more ground. == well
   think about it: and it's weird to consider that we emphasize SO
   MUCH on specialization that generalizing is considered a naughty
   bad thing. == and some say that in the future, the generalist
   will be more valuable than the specialist. == Well, that's the
   thing: imagine being able to generalize utilizing ...
   everything? Your knowledge of the specialties deepens as you
   study but you never become locked into a particular specialized
   bias because your focus is, ultimately on the general. == Well,
   that seems to be the setup at present. Look at the Sciences: In
   the early 20th century, how many sciences were there? 6 or 7 I
   thnk? Now there's 400+ Sciences last time I checked. Of course
   they're branches subdivided into other branches that
   theoretically can fold back up into their host branch, but it's
   really become quite a specialized tree. ==