Oh absolutely, but conceptually, multiple states are still fancy buckets. a 2^2 matrix is four buckets on a platform with lids. 2^3 matrix is eight buckets on a platform with lids, each drawing water from a river with pipes going from each of the buckets into whatever their respective systems are. Yes, and I'm not putting down how far we've come with what we have. It's quite amazing. But there's little that we do even with the most sophisticated of computers and electronics that couldn't THEORETICALLY be duplicated entirely with buckets, a river, some pipes and valves. While I find that amazing, I also see it as a limitation in our cognition I mean, let's imagine a future where all current religions are gone. The rulers of the lands are all Scientific. What will happen? Competing theories will eventually war each other in a manner no different. I doubt universal agreement is possible and as long as there's competition and power mixed together, there's the likelyhood of war.