*Fair enough. Still, what does that entail?*
   When I was 12 years old, I had my own bank account (kids could
   have bank accounts then), do my homework autonomously, handle
   social situations, travel the bus and train on my own, engage in

   Should I have been granted adult fully autonomous status, free
   of any external authority outside of those that adults are
   already beholden to? I'm curious with your thoughts on this
   because I was once heavily involved in "rights of kids/teens" on
   the early Internet (1990-1995); I created a mailing list that
   ended up with thousands of members online, and we discussed
   these issues back then, 20-25 years ago and made comparisons as
   one of the discussion topics.

   It's unfortunate the archives were wiped although I have a FEW
   copies of some of the discussions.

   [I passed the ownership of group on to a 14 yr old homeschooled
   Alaskan girl and a Legal Advocate for children and Uni professor
   from Australia in '95 once I was 23 and we had gone through the
   same circle of discussion topics several dozen times,and it ran
   a few more years without me]

   Anyway, I'm curious to your thoughts on this.