good question. I hated history in school. I guess it depends on what's important to you. I enjoy it now. War history never impressed me. I didn't care about rulers. All politics and land grabbing bullshit. Don't like it today, don't care for it with history. But i *do* like people. Regular, everyday people. What were they like?* I assume that politics is politics as it always was. It's people who have power that don't want to lose it, or want power and grab to get it. Yawnie-yawn yawn. But what I *do* find interesting is attitudes. I ask myself, "If I was a regular person in 11th Century Byzantium, what would my day be like? When I look up at the sky, what do I see?" Or ancient Greece. Or whenever. What were they teaching me? What was my bed like when I slept at night? What did I do for a living? For me, I have to put myself there. I don't buy the crap when they say that "this period of time in history was horrible" all because some awful event was happening. Thing is: regular people are regular people and have to carry on each day as best they can. Not everybody is a soldier on the battlefield. Not everybody is a prince or a queen or a religious leader. But moms still have to raise kids. Communities have mentors that teach the young, raise them up, encourage them. You still have to bicker over money, and pay the tax man when he comes or hide from him. Or go off on an adventure with friends to explore where you live. Stuff like that.