I'll wait and see.

   In modern times, Aliens = Angels/Demons
   Alien Civilization = Heavenly Host
   Alien Megastructure = Heaven

   Substitution. Maybe we'll find something though. Can't hurt to

   [1]Alfred Green Jesus is specifically for humans and this planet
   as far as I know. We need all the help we can get, although if
   aliens did exist in the ways of Science Fiction, I could
   conceive of something similar being necessary for them as well
   in a way that was appropriate for their kind when they need it.

   I'd analogize to human made AI gone wrong in the future and the
   master programmer transferring his consciousness into an AI,
   starting just as any other AI, but when the time is right, gains
   self-knowledge of his true nature and strives to fix the broken
   AI code from within.

   But because the AI is advanced enough to have freedom of choice,
   and the programmer not wanting to remove the freedom of choice,
   the best he can do is provide an example of the pathways they
   can take where they can choose to repair their own broken
   programming from within, by making a series of choices that can
   lead them to an AI equivalent of Heaven.

   It's a poor analogy of course.


   Visible links
   1. https://www.facebook.com/alfred.green.7?hc_location=ufi