Thank you for the numbers smile emoticon 240 thousand is a nearly incomprehensible number to fathom in terms of distance. That's why I love that graphic. It's a reminder of JUST HOW FAR it really is. That we made it there and back again with the computing power of a cheap calculator is amazing but I believe we did it. A flight from where I am in the USA to the other side of the world via the great circle in Australia is 24 hours. That's 10,000 miles. If I escaped Earth's gravity and instead of going around I went perfectly aimed UP: then it would take about 2.4 days to get to the moon. I think that's where the illusion of "close" comes in. We travel long distances AROUND but rarely "up". it's harder to go up. We're so primitive in our space exploration. I honestly don't know why it's taking so darned long. i mean, if it was all a movie production, which technically it could be of course, we'd be visiting Alpha Centuri by now, not wasting long years and decades... just... waiting... I love this graphic though. I just saw it on a group called ILLUMITARDI - which is a weird mixture of people who believe in flat earth along with those who don't, moon landing hoaxes and those that don't, war conspiracies, media manipulation and all around absurdity. You can never tell if someone is serious or trolling most of the time and it's a hoot.