Then you will like my book:[1] It's written in Blah rather than boobledygook.* I provided evidence. You wish to ignore it? Consider it Blah blah? That is your choice. "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still". You are not an objective, rational thinker. You have chosen a course and are staying with it. That's fine. I don't know what you expect out of me but I believe you do not have the capacity to hear. *I understand what Dawkin's point is. What Dawkin's is describing however, is learning. Learning of ANYTHING. He questioned his reality and his upbringing. He is alone in this? Others question their reality and their upbringing. Are they all following Dawkin's model? Why were their splits in religious groups?* Dawkins is a Marxist without the class struggle. References Visible links 1.