Children do not have independence until the age of majority. In
   the USA, that's 18 years of age. Traditionally, the age of
   majority is 21 years old (English Common Law) but many countries
   have reduced it.

   [other legal systems exist in other countries; Sharia is
   equivalent to English Common Law but has distinctions as it
   stems from a different legal root, and I believe there are one
   or two other Legal systems besides English Common Law and

   Now, until an infant reaches the age of majority, their rights
   are limited. For example, they can enter into contracts with an
   adult, but while the child CAN enforce the adult to hold to
   their part of the contract, a child is NOT legally bound to hold
   up to their side of the contract.

   Stuff like that.


   I believe any independence for robots should follow a similar
   path as that for legal infants.

   In short, just as children are the legal property of their
   parents, so the robots should be legal property of their owners
   until such time as they are deemed fit for society as


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