John, I believe they're programs written by people. Whether they are of high quality of not depends on a lot of factors. I work with AI frequently; I ran every writing I could find of mine through one to help it automatically classify my writings into their Dewey Decimal equivalents to help me understand my own brain a little better. But I'm not a devotee of the singularity. I see it as a nice idea but perhaps it's a geographical thing: You're in Seattle. I have friends in Seattle and the singularity is all the buzz, so much so that's almost a veritable fact. But I'm in Florida. I was raised in NJ. While I had a brief stint with liberal hippie-style idealism at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA for a couple of years, I never had the luxury of believing a "pure anything". Especially New Jersey. Your idealism gets shoved out of you via intense debates, where everybody is playing devil's advocate with everybody else and oddly enough, ends up coming to a consensus at the end. Never had the opportunity to be in an idealistic community environment, at least, not for long, sans a short monastery stay in my mid 20s. That was nice. Didn't really believe it then either, but I learned a lot about interspective psychology in the process. "I guess we disagree about the existence of recursively self improving systems. Honestly, every other group I belong to or admin is an AI group, so I guess I came to this one looking for other stuff."