Best video I've ever seen. Every 5 seconds he did something
   where you're like, OMG HE JUST _DID THAT_ DIDN'T HE!? and it
   just got better and better the whole time. I made a few vines
   wishing him a happy birthday and a youtube video thing. He died
   a few months later and I did an RIP thing too; I always loved
   the guy. I first knew him when he narrated In Search Of... and I
   learned about killer bees invading the US, ancient aliens, govt
   conspiracies, and THEN I saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture in
   the local movie place and I was like, "Nana - it's that IN
   SEARCH OF" guy! I didn't understand why she found that so funny
   but eh, I was 7. I fell asleep during a lot of the middle but
   woke up to Spock doing a space walk and saw the rest of it.
   Great kid memories.

   Only saw the show years later.   It also fixed my idea of what
   sex was. I thought you stood there and glowed while sparkly
   things went around you and your pure love shot out through the

   Man, was I disappointed the first time.