The protections available being behind the plastic/glass gives
   ppl license to say things they wouldn't say in person.

   It does for me as well; but I use it to express the better side
   of myself; or at least what I _think_ is the better side of
   myself smile emoticon

   The people in real life that I've encountered like this were
   usually the few times I'd hang around a drunk smartalek who had
   it _all_ figured out, or people who loved debating politics or
   whatever was controversial at the time.

   I've been lucky in that I've never encountered people with
   megaphones or street preachers in real life. I suppose I've seen
   them in NYC when visiting there a few times growing up but I
   didn't pay them any attention if I did.

   I tend to associate this type of behavior with guys that have
   some college and tend to be a bit of a whiz with computers - ie,
   not so different from me.

   Being a know-it-all myself, I have to watch out for this kind of
   behavior, as I suspect I have tendencies in this area; I might
   even express them more than I realize, and the people around are
   just being kind and not saying anything tongue emoticon