Yeah; reading about human trafficking is definitely one of those [1]#childhoodruined moments in life. You think you understand the world. Then you see some of the horrible things humans are capable of. Its easy when it's someone of a different language, or a different color, or a different religion, or a different _something_. It's NIMBY (Not in my backyard) so it's ok in a strange sense. [yes, I'm reframing NIMBY for this)] But then you hear about some of your own culture, own gender, own socioeconomic status; whatever criteria it is... and suddenly it's relatable and the horror REALLY sinks its teeth in. First time I heard of an autistic kid locked up in a closet while the middle class family went about their day, taking care of the other kids and barely feeding him... I was a young teenager. I remember the boy was about 7, (I was a boy about 12), blond hair (I had blond hair), the family was middle class (I was middle class; even worse - that family seemed more prosperous)... ...and it really made me grateful because even the WORST of the people I knew in my town and world would NEVER do something like that. While I don't believe in the death penalty, I remember thinking that I wouldn't have been overly upset if that whole family had a meteor hit them and the boy was adopted by a good family and cleaned up. References Visible links 1.