PS: This guy is the source for a LOT of bad ideas about Tesla: [1] He wrote something he called "The Autobiography of Nicolai Tesla" *and* listed Tesla as author... and himself. The man is ALSO a fan of Von Daniken, author of the Ancient Astronauts books. I read Von Daniken when I was 11/12 yrs old and ate it up. Believed for about two years. By the time I was 14, I knew it was bullshit. THEN 10 years later, X-Files comes out with the same shit in it. Fun stuff, but taking it seriously? No. Another common source attributed to Tesla was written by: THOMAS COMMERFORD MARTIN Editor The Electrical Engineer; Past-President American Institute Electrical Engineers 1894 who wrote "THE INVENTIONS RESEARCHES AND WRITINGS OF NIKOLA TESLA" Also shows Tesla as author online. I really wish automated software would attribute things properly. Books ABOUT A PERSON, whether authorized or not, ARE NOT WRITTEN BY THEM. Ugh. References Visible links 1.