I kinda consider anything that split off from the Eastern
   Orthodox as "not really Christianity", even though I'm agnostic
   at present, so whatever the Roman Catholic church did post
   Schism and all of its splinters did after the 16th century, are
   just pretending.

   Islam prior to the that 21 yr old Sultan who wanted to "return
   to Islams roots" in the 15th century / "Fall of Constantiple" -
   he kinda ruined Islam as well. The stuff before 15th century
   Islam I consider valid enough, but post Sultan what's-his-face,
   are just the Islamic version of Roman Catholocism - and
   nowadays, Protestantism with all the damn subgroups writing
   their own ways ... which, are ultimately, a bit of a joke and
   missing the point most of the time.