Yeah - I got to see the movie in the theater. I remember thinking, "THEY GOTTA MAKE A TV SHOW OUTTA THIS!" and then then did a few years later. It was awesome. I didn't see it at first (no ShowTime) but when it came out on regular TV, it was all over. Saw every episode of every series in the franchise. I have my favorites, got caught up in them. Great escape. I'm very picky too. That's why when I find one that 'fits' I don't let myself watch it. I allow myself Doctor Who, as that's a lifetime commitment from childhood. [I've seen every episode that made it to the USA from Classic Dr Who days, suffered through the 15 years of death [I never thought it would come back on the air - EVER].... and felt positively reborn when it came back on - *and* they did a badass job of it and still are. Stargate, yes. Star trek, yes - most of them. I even ALMOST made my way through Enterprise but I couldn't 'get' Scott Bakula as captain as hard as I tried. He was Quantum Leap for me. Oh... and during the Dr Who hiatus I suffered through MANY time travel/portal shows like Sliders, Timecop, etc, all to get my fix of instant travel through spacetime to where/whenever.