Make yourself the model a model for yourself and for others who
   might be watching.

   Not necessarily a "role model" that someone 'should' follow, but
   a model that wouldn't be all that awful to follow.

   *that's* how you prepare for the future. How people treat each
   other in *every encounter*, whether in real life, online (whose
   separation isn't really that far, if it exists much at all) -
   determines how future people treat future people.

   I write, imagining how my words might read tomorrow. Next week.
   100 years from now.

   Or I ask myself, "WHAT IF" a kid is reading my words? I have
   kid-followers on Vine, so I have to think of that stuff.

   WHAT am I transferring?

   Fear? Friendliness? Critical thinking? Anger? Frustration?

   What unintended messages might I be sending, along with my
   intention? Our intentions are unreadable things, as
   communication is a relationship with much blindness and we never
   get full satisfaction of knowing the effects we may have caused.

   Now, this is the road I chose as responsibility for the future.
   If I've given my best in presenting myself - not knowing if
   anybody _might_ be consciously/unconsciously modeling me - then
   my conscience is clear. But, on the other hand, if my
   presentation is something I might be embarrassed to show, say,
   the local newspaper, a legal review board on my conduct, my next
   door neighbor, broadcast on the news, said mockingly by someone
   who wanted to put me down... could I stand behind it?

   It's hard to do in every situation. But do it right, and it's
   more than just a reputation thing; it's knowing that something
   that came _from me_ *might* carry into the future through
   somebody else. To me, that's responsibility for the future, more
   than signing documents, talking about subject matter, etc. If
   I'm conveying a message of fear, then I'd better have some idea
   of consequences I might not intend.

   I'll give an example in a minute - I used fear today for
   something and had to think hard about it.